Colegio Michael Ham
Búsquedas / Materias / Novedades


Resultado de la búsqueda

25 documentos en 0,22 segundos responden a los criterios que formulaste
que contengan las palabras w_QuerybySubject/PLAY en Materias )

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Clasificación Cutter Título Autor Autores Media Copias Disp. Edición
822An Inspector Calls Priestley, J. Priestley, J. Libro 6 - SEC, SECUNDARIA ES1945
822An Insperctor Calls and Other Plays Priestley, J. Priestley, J. Libro 3 - ENGLISH, SECONDARY, NOR2000
I 8 cAt the Playground Henson, Jim Henson, Jim Libro 1 - KIN1987
i8cDays with Frog and Toad Arnold Lobel Arnold Lobel Libro 1 - 3RD
421ESL 2.Accelerating English Language Learning. Foresman, Scott-Uhl Chamot, Anna-Cummins, Jim-Kessler, Carolyn-O'Malley, J.Micha Foresman, Scott-Uhl Chamot, Anna-Cummins, Jim-Kessler, Carolyn-O'Malley, J.Micha Gonzalez, George (consultant) Libro 1 - ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND COMPREHENSION2001
I 8 cFantastic Mr Fox. APlay Dahl, Roald Dahl, Roald Reid, Sally (Adaptation) Libro 1 - PLAYS1987
I 8 cFranklin is lost. Bourgeois,Paulette Bourgeois,Paulette Clark,Brenda (illustrator) Libro 1 - ENGLISH SECOND FORM1992
I8CHairy Maclary and Zachary Quack Lynley Dodd Lynley Dodd Libro 1 - 1ST2004
I 8 cJack and the Beanstalk Dooley, Jenny,Evans, Virginia Dooley, Jenny,Evans, Virginia Libro 1 - ENGLISH THIRD2004
i8cJon's Football Team Ladybird Ladybird Libro 0 - 1ST

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